Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A Written Legacy

Thanks to my brother-in-law for passing on the following information. 

 Ebey Funeral Solutions in Dallas created a brochure with interesting questions.  In it, the suggestion is given to spend  time each week answering one of the 50 questions listed.
It is not an overwhelming assignment.  Schedule 15 minutes one day a week for 50 weeks and at the end you will have a wonderful legacy to leave for your family.  
If you would like the list, I think I can scan it into a response to an email.

Some of the questions are:
Why did you parents give you your name?
What are your favorite family traditions?
Where did you go to school?  (Elementary, Middle, High School, College, etc)
How did you and your spouse/partner meet?
What are your special talents?

I’m sure you can come up with your own list of questions/topics and begin answering them in September which is frequently considered another time to reboot/reconnect/begin anew.

In the past when I have thought about writing about my life, I seem to focus on the hard times and then I get sad and give up.  Having topics, like writing chapters in a book, would help me break down my story into manageable parts.  I’m going to try this. 

Let me know what you decided to do.

1 comment:

  1. Naomi, thanks for this important post. Wow, I stopped at that first question. I have no idea why my parents named me what they did, and it's too late to ask. The rest are great questions. Here's an idea. Take questions like that first one and think of all the things you wish you know about your departed forebears that you did not think to ask in your youth. Answer those questions for your descendants, because like you, they are wrapped up in their own lives right now, not wondering about your life. That's just how it is. Later they will wonder. Give them the gift of answers!

    If you need help with any part of this, visit my blog, The Heart and Craft of Life Writing and search through hundreds of posts on this topic.

    BTW, your blog forms a themed chapter of your own lifestory highlighting your interest in this legacy topic. Yay for that. Be sure to back up your posts and put them on your legacy thumbdrive, updating it now and then.
