Tuesday, April 21, 2020

There is Always Tomorrow

Since we have been at home, my life has been turned upside down.  I am used to getting up and out of the house daily for exercise, having a schedule for chores, computer, meal prep, phone conversations, etc.  Now, my attitude is, “I can do that tomorrow”. 

And I am sure I am not alone.  Sometimes I forget what day it is!  They blend together.  And I anticipate at least several more weeks of this.  Not everyone can learn a new language or create art or do online classes.  Sometimes it is OK to do nothing as long as there is awareness when the nothing becomes depression. 

There are so many resources available that having too much of a choice becomes paralyzing.  Seriously, how many choices do we need for cereal?  And what we do is become overwhelmed and we select the same kind as we have always used.  Change is hard. 

And there are many resources coming from new sources for ways to organize our lives.  My physician e- mailed information about planning for emergencies. Not only was there information about health issues, there were tips for pet care  and bill paying.   Financial institutions and grocery stores are doing the same.  The government, through several departments, publish information on what we should do.  Much of the information is the same.  Some of it is conflicting. 

So, what to do?  As one who loves learning, I tend to look at a variety of things and take what I consider valuable and doable from each source.  Planning is the most important lesson we can learn from this pandemic.  I liken it to insurance.  While we hope we never have to make a claim, it’s important and most often mandatory, that we have automobile and home insurance.  And we know that someone will have to carry out our plans so make them. 

Schedule an hour to get your papers in order, to make the appointment with an attorney to write a will, to download forms from the internet and begin thinking about what you want for end of life issues, and to think about funeral/cremation.  Be a part of the solution; don’t be part of the problem for your family or loved ones who will have to deal with financial and health issues if you are incapacitated or deceased. 

As always, please comment.

Be safe