Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Burial at Sea

I thought this only happened when people died on a ship and for whatever reason the body could not be sent back to the mainland or when a ship sank and there were no survivors.  However, a friend sent me a link to www.eternalreef.com.   Interestingly, there is a company that will take cremains and craft the ashes into a memorial reef.  The following is from their website:  For families and individuals that choose cremation, Eternal Reefs offers a unique memorial choice that replaces cremation urns and ash scatterings with a permanent environmental living legacy as a gift to the environment and generations yet to come.

How unique! And for someone who loves the water, this would make sense.  I go back to my mantra- talk to your family or whoever will be taking care of your wishes.  Have the conversation. They are not mind readers.   And one thing can lead to another so that all parties are on the same page after “The Conversation”.  Talking about final wishes will also get ther younger people thinking about their own wishes.  Non one is immune to becoming incapacitated or dying.

Comments or questions?  Please begin a dialogue.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Alternative to Aging

Is there an alternative to aging?  Not in the physical sense of the word. The alternative lies in how we adapt to it. The body reaches peak efficiency at age 30 according to Dr. Nathan W. Shock of the Gerontology Research Center in Baltimore, Maryland.  And as part of the natural process of aging, the body begins to decline.  However, and fortunately there is a “however”, many people will live productive lives well into their 80s and 90s.  University of Kentucky researchers found that 10-12 out of 100,000 Americans will reach their 100th birthday.  And one-third of them will be physically active, mentally alert, and free of major active disease.

Take a listen to your body.  What is it telling you?  Can you find ways to slow down the changes you see and feel or find ways of positively adapting to them? 

While genetics play an important role in how we age, attitude and mindset are critical.    There’s Tao, the 98 year old yoga instructor; Ida, the 94 year old sprinter; Raj who received a master’s degree in Economics at 98; and Jimmy, the 93 year old 39th President of the US.  Attitude helps us deal with life’s stressors.  When I see people sitting around, not doing anything but watching TV, I see a lonely life.   Teens who are just “hanging out” and adults who find excuses not to move or who are afraid to move, need to be encouraged to get involved with something - to help ourselves age well.  Finding a social community either through church, work,school, neighborhood, volunteer activity, or community center is crucial for people of any age. 

In addition to community, we need to eat real food and move.  There are thousands of diets in the world and for simplicity and for anyone of any age, if we just ate real food and moved more, we would be healthier and perhaps we could slow the aging process.  Stretching exercises and fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are keys to health.  Take the initiative and search for exercises that you can do even if they have to be done sitting in a chair.  Go to the grocery store and try a new fruit or vegetable even if it is frozen.   Move your legs, your fingers across the keyboard and your mind to search out interesting topics.  That's what I'm doing!!  Join me.