Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Vital Information Form

It occurred to me that some of my subscribers did not download the Vital Information Form so I decided to devote a post to it.
The form is to help you get your information in one location.  Some people have a box, a notebook, a safe.  Whatever you have for your family, congratulations.  This form may spark new ideas for your own personal situation.

A few new subject lines are in this version.  

Vital Information for:                                                              Date:
(To be kept with important documents in a safe place, the location of which should be shared with a trusted person)
Copy and paste this into aWord Document so it can be customized to meet your needs which may change over time.  This form can be as long or as short as you prefer. Remember, however, this document can provide critical information to your family in order to relieve them of searching for important documents and phone numbers during a stressful time.  Think of this as a map- it doesn’t provide the nitty gritty information- only directions to the location. Topics should not be deleted; skip over them if they are not pertinent at this moment in time. This is a fluid document that should be updated annually- maybe on your birthday, anniversary or tax day.
Social Security #: 
Financial Planner: 
Insurance agent(s), policy numbers (including health insurance):
Investments: names and account numbers: 
Bank accounts:  How titled?  Account numbers for checking, savings, credit union, MAC card      (include phone number if known)
Credit/ Debit card names, numbers and Customer Service phone number: 
Burial Information:  plot location, clergy, obituary information, charity requests, funeral home, other thoughts, e.g. clothing, prayers, etc.: 
Name and phone number of church/synagogue:
Information I want on my tombstone: 
Are you a member of a burial or memorial society that may make special arrangements for funeral/burial ceremony- e.g., military honor guard?  Which one(s):
Combinations and location of safes: 
Name of financial institution of a safety deposit box and location of key:
Names, addresses, emails of people to be notified: 
Location of warranties, instruction booklets: 
Location of tax records:
Location of deeds, vehicle titles:
Location of installment books or contracts and payment dates and company phone number:
Location of honorable discharge papers and VA claim number: 
Name and phone number of newspaper delivery person:
Location of Will, Power of Attorney:
Recurrent household costs, eg, landscaper, snow removal, etc. (names and phone numbers):
Utilities (company name, phone number, account number):
Garage code:
Location of the mail box key:
Answering Machine number:
Password to get onto the computer:
Passwords for email accounts: 
Passwords for social media accounts: 
Facebook has a legacy feature:  Go to More, Privacy Shortcuts, More Settings, Security,    Legacy Contact
Passwords for all sites or the password manager user name and password:
Automatic bill paying--names and account numbers and dates when bill will appear in email or be directly paid by the bank: 
Pets name(s):
Food Preferences: 
Veterinarian and phone number: 
Medical issues/ Medications (location of medications and food):
Name of person(s)/ organization who will care for pets:
Medical History
Write down your medical history and that of your parents, siblings and first degree relatives (uncles, aunts, first cousins) if you want your children to have access to this information.
Plants/ Gardening/ automatic sprinkling system
Write down unique instructions about your plants and the schedule for your sprinkler (if applicable)
History/stories about family, art, jewelry, household items.

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