. Share some information about you as a person
with your team. Are you a vegan? Are you in the sandwich generation of being a
parent and a caretaker?
Write down what is most concerning to
you. Be honest and direct. Your doctor does not know if you are having
financial problems, relationship issues, housing concerns unless you tell
3 Be prepared for your
appointment. Write down your health
concerns, keep a daily log of your food, blood pressure, heart rate or whatever
is bothering you. For a few days before your appointment, write down
you pain level as it related to your activity.
Come prepared with data.
. Talk about your feelings. What circumstances might keep you from taking
your meds? Are you having concerns about
getting to your appointments, to the grocery store?
5 What is your preference for receiving
medical information? Do you want a
summary or do you prefer all the details?
Discussing this topic may actually promote a more positive relationship with
your healthcare provider.
For more information about this organization,
go to npaf.org.
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